Monday, July 13, 2009


My heart is a huge black matter, that requires nothing, needs nothing, and feels nothing. I view life as it is, always passing and ever changing, while I just stand there and watch everything flash by - Life, love, studies, importance, responsibility, friends, family, the world. I try to reach out to it, to grab them as they come by, to make them stop, and let me have a chance to be with them. But they just keep passing, one by one, and my hands aren't fast enough to catch them, to grab them. What can I do?


I try to force my legs to move, but it won't. I try to reach farther, but my hands can only take me so far. I try to shout, but my mouth does not open. I try to try, but I did not. What should I do?


Is this what I want? No, I want to be able to enjoy what others enjoy, I want to be able to enjoy happiness, sadness, rage, peace, fear and security. What should I do?


And so instead of giving chase to the ever-changing time, I drop my hand, and cock my head back in disappointment. What would I do?


I raise my head again, and once again witness how everything passes by my life. I don't try to catch it, I don't even feel sad for it. I just let it pass, what does it matter anyway?


But what do I do?


'The saddest apathy is not one which you don't care about the world, it's one which you don't even start to care about yourself.'

I guess I've reached that point.


Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe you've reached that point, but we havent, and do keep in mind that everyone of us are still caring'bout you. :D

July 15, 2009 at 3:41 AM  

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