Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Lesser evil desire superiority and worship of the people, they ensue chaos and instill fear into the people's heart, but does not ultimately kill, instead downgrade the people to befit their thirst for superiority. Their rampage is triggered and fueled by a great sense of inferiority complex, insecurity and their need for attention.

Moderate evil desire money and their own bodily needs, they too ensue chaos and controls with fear, without killing, but makes use of the fear in the mass to get their wants. Their rampage is triggered and fueled by greed, lust and the personality of a hedonist.

Evil desires life and blood, they do not mean to ensue chaos, but in their run, they unwillingly cause it. They have no sense of remorse, no sense of disgust and no sense of shame in their doings, they have no value for human life, and treats it as a mere consumable to feast their bloodthirst. Their rampage is triggered and fueled by rage, bloodthirst, grudge and sometimes insanity.

Greater evil desire chaos, they do not bother about anything else, they just want to see the world burn. They kill if need be, steal if need be, assault if need be, but all these are secondary. What is primary for them is to destroy the society the government has build, and watch as how the situation evolves. They have totally no remorse, no value for human life, and no feelings whatsoever. Their huge apathy for anything in the world leads them to find no interest in life or the world, and their only sense of happiness is watching the world crumble. Their rampage is triggered and fueled by a sense of nihilism, apathy and pure thirst for destruction.

True evil desire nothing. They do not bother about any single thing that goes on with or in the world, or even bother with anything or anyone. Their mind and soul is a complete blank that has no end, no needs, no nothing. They have no aim, no wants for chaos, no needs for destruction. Their life is a question mark, and they are seen as someone very caring or kind in this society, who listens and is a great advisor, and this they learn from others, and copy them outright. For they are just an empty vessel, capable of doing nothing, and yet everything at the same time.

The lesser their intent for committing all these treacheries, the deadlier they are. Like the saying goes 'the most evil does not show they're evil'.


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